On Nationalism


Daniel Defoe (Wikipedia)

Invoking of mythic past is a key aspect of nationalism. The emphasis being on mythic. In the case of England, Daniel Defoe offered his take in 1702. Of course, the similar stories can be told about pretty much any nation.

Thus from a Mixture of all kinds began,
That Het’rogeneous Thing, An Englishman:
In eager Rapes, and furious Lust begot,
Betwixt a Painted Britton and a Scot:
Whose gend’ring Offspring quickly learnt to bow,
And yoke their Heifers to the Roman Plough:
From Whence a Mongrel half-bred Race there came,
With neither Name nor Nation, Speech or Fame.
In whose hot Veins now Mixtures quickly ran,
Infus’d betwixt a Saxon and a Dane.
While their Rank Daughters, to their Parents just,
Receiv’d all Nations with Promiscuous Lust.
This Nauseous Brood directly did contain
The well-extracted Blood of Englishmen

Regarding Brexit

EU FlagLet’s get this out of the way first. Yes, the European Union is a bureaucratic institution with a democracy deficit. Its regulatory role is often experienced as burdensome. All this has been true for a long time, but the post-Cold War expansion has made it even more unwieldy.

Let’s also get his out of the way. The Brexit vote had not a lot to do with the EU. It wasn’t a working class blow against globalization as Bernie Sanders would have us believe, even though many districts that traditionally voted Labor also voted to leave the EU. It was a bill presented to the British elites by the citizens who had been hoodwinked, first by Thatcher and then by Blair, into believing that nostalgia for an imperial past is a substitute for responsive politics. Even though the target of the discontent driving the Brexit vote was the EU, its origin is domestic.

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