Some Kind of Justice

In the frigid air of Mount Hermon, in pre-civil war Syria, a shivering Valentin Vermeulen interviews Corporal Waldmüller, young guard who has filed a confidential complaint. Vermeulen’s job as UN fraud investigator has sent him to one godforsaken outpost after another ever since he angered his superiors by making accusations he couldn’t back up. Waldmüller, a member of the Austrian contingent, has observed a lot of contracting jobs going to the same company, despite its shoddy work. The deals are all overseen by a civilian procurement officer named Robisseau. Waldmüller tells Vermeulen he will explain further when they meet at Camp Faouar, headquarters of UNDOF, the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force.

Before that meeting, the young corporal is killed in a car accident. Rushing to the scene of the “accident,” Vermeulen meets the officer in charge, a fresh-faced sergeant, Kristina Knauer. Vermeulen searches Waldmüller’s belongings for some shred of evidence to back up his claims. Meanwhile, Sergeant Knauer seems to do nothing but stand in his way. Now that the bad guys know he’s on to them, Vermeulen will be lucky to escape this assignment with his life. Never mind finding justice for Waldmüller.

Some Kind of Justice is coming June 9, 2020.