Cadbury’s Fair Trade Bar Makes Its Debut

Cadburys Dairy Milk Chocolate Bars (Fair Trade)
Cadburys Dairy Milk Chocolate Bars (Fair Trade)

After promising to source fairtrade beans for its  flagship Dairy Milk bar, Cadbury made good. On July 21, the first Fairtrade Dairy Milk bars started coming off the production line in Bourneville. Within days, these bars will appear in shops all over the UK and Ireland. It’s the first time that a mainstream chocolate brand has switched to fairtrade.

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India to be Cocoa Exporter?

I have mentioned before that the Westernization of the tastes of the Indian middle classes is part of the great hope of the chocolate industry. Much of the sustainability talk that is making the rounds these days is driven by the desire to produce enough cocoa at reasonable prices to capture that market. But a recent report makes me wonder how much there will be to capture.

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Trading Visions Posts Q&A on Mars and Cadbury

Why did Mars and Cadbury recently decided to seek third-party verification for some or all of their chocolate products? Trading Visions, a UK web site devoted to increasing information and education about fairtrade, wanted to find out. They contacted both Mars and Cadbury and number organizations to provide their answers to this and other questions. I was invited to contribute my own thoughts as well.

You can find the all questions and answers on their web site.