Literary Ashland with Michael Niemann

Every time I publish a new Vermeulen thriller, Ed Battistella, the founder of the Literary Ashland Blog, is very kind and lets us use an entire episode of our monthly radio show on my book. That’s a really big deal since for the past three years, we’ve devoted 1/12th of our shows to the books written by one of the hosts. The Germans have a word for that “Vetternwirtschaft.” Literally translated, that means cousins’ economy (business). Cronyism or nepotism would be the proper English translation. But it’s just a radio show and we don’t get paid, so I hope you forgive us.

Literary Ashland – Conversation

This month’s edition of Literary Ashland turned out different than intended. Our planned guest couldn’t make and so Ed and I ended up having a fun conversation about writing, linguistics, melodrama, clues and everything in between. So enjoy this unscheduled and unrehearsed show. As Ed pointed out, the show is a clear sign that both of us had experience walking into a classroom unprepared.

[audioplayer file=”″ titles=”Literary Ashland Radio – a conversation”]